The Civil War Film Series screens the best Civil War movies, old and new, at Blacksburg’s Lyric Theatre. Visiting experts discuss the movies’ historical significance with the audience.
Our Experiencing Civil War History Through Augmented Reality project is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities, in partnership with the Pamplin Historical Park.
The Traveling Trunk of Civil War History brings history into fourth-grade classrooms in the New River Valley. The program will be offered again in Spring 2024. Contact Program Coordinator Rachel Stanley at to set up a visit to your school.
The Civil War Weekend takes place each March on the campus of Virginia Tech, attracting alumni and many others. Leading historians share their latest research on a wide range of Civil War topics.
The Virginia Center for Civil War Studies organizes field trips to explore Civil War history where it happened. Each year our Spring Campaign visits battlefields, museums, and other sites.
The Civil War Driving Tour of Southwest Virginia brings the war in our region to life through interactive text, images, and maps.
The Civil War Film History Project discusses some of the most well-known films on the Civil War, from “The Birth of a Nation” to more modern films, like “12 Years a Slave.”
The VCCWS is proud to support Civil War Photo Sleuth, using crowdsourcing and facial recognition technologies to identify Civil War soldiers, sailors, and civilians.
Student Projects: Virginia Tech students have researched, designed and built extraordinary projects focused on the Civil War in recent years. Click HERE to see some of their work.